Lesbians* for Arts, Culture & Entertainment


Womyn’s only badminton coming up soon!

Out There Badminton on Friday, March 10 will be an evening for Womyn Only.

Same time (8 to 10 pm) and same place (Gordon Bell High School).  We play in the Junior gym at the South end of the building.  You may park in the lot on Broadway (access on Borrowman Street, just west of the school).  The gym is most easily reached by going up the stairs on the south side of the school.  The stairs lead directly to the Junior Gym. Cost is $2 for drop-in, $10 for the remainder of the season.

We have a number of racquets on hand for borrowing and look forward to seeing you Out There!!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! info@outtherewinnipeg.ca

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